From Teeth and Tongue

Just keep reading on. This is fresh current news that gets more interesting with each article. The writer Beverly Griffin Shippy is an on the edge writer who has been censored for far to long. So the writers flame in me burns constantly. Various newspapers I wrote for in the past have selectively decided not to print my articles for reasons un -becoming to me.

I'm not going to cry foul play. I'm going to solve that problem by continuing to write.

Just read on!!!!!

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Sunday, December 23, 2012


The National Rifle Association executive VP  Wayne  LaPierre  wants every school in America to have armed guards in all schools in response to the tragic shooting at  Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Conn.  LaPierre says our children should be protected with guns. He says the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.  However, when you ask LaPierre if he would support a bill to take the 30 round plus guns  from being purchased by everyday Joe's he eludes the question and does not answer. 

I wonder  what kind of a country does he think America is...  This is not the wild wild west or Gun Smoke.  We live in a civilized country and one that all nations model  at some point or another.  How intimidating to take your young child to school  greeted by a  armed security guard.  It sets up a day of stress for young learners.  Elementary kids  will stress over this presence of gun toting people on their campus.  Not to mention administrators feeling nervous. 

The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary was a remote incident  that happened because of reasons  no one will ever know.   Today and every day for the rest of your  life  just support the families of those children and teachers that lost lives.  They need you now.  Write letters to them and ask them what you can do to ease their pain.    Send them words of encouragement.   iamtellingu.   

Sunday, December 16, 2012


I write this blog today with unanswered questions perplexing me seeking answers  into the recent mass shooting on Friday December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hooks Elementary in Newtown Conn. Those children did not hurt anyone. They were helpless victims who could not posses fear of this magnitude happening to them ever.  Once again evil rises its unrelenting head to hurt kill mane and destroy.  Using cowards to complete the task.  A coward  who lacks integrity, who has low self esteem, hates themselves, are extremely jealous, who lack people skills, have mental problems either known or unknown, are overwhelming males, have pre warning signs about  their im-balances but  are over looked by family members as an accepted behavior that will  eventually go away, a parent  who is afraid of their own child because they did not take the necessary  discipline procedures during early adolescent  to stop this behavior  at onset. Parents or a parent who is held hostage by their own children because the adult lacks integrity to stand up and parent a child who is behaving badly. 

It's like if you don't  put out the flame it will develop into a fire.  There is not one answer to address such a tragedy as this incident, only possible solutions to decrease tragedies as  mass killings from happening again, somewhere on earth.

Mental illness is a taboo. No one wants to talk about it.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


The President cruised on to victory  November 6, 2012 with a repeat  victory  for the highest  elected office in  America. He won again with Florida as the grand prize of all prizes. With surprise  wins in Ohio, Nevada, New Mexico Minnesota and Colorado. 

The people have spoken and want a repeater. More jobs, health care for all, lower taxes etc.  A change has come to America and the people have spoken.  Money can no longer buy a presidency. Romney outspent Obama 3 to one.  Still that was not good enough for Romney to convince enough people to elect him.  Romney was just out  of touch with the main streamers and out of luck. Everyone saw thru his deceit.   Four more years is ahead for Americans, so get ready for  A Change with the middle class holding strong, the poor being forced to seek training programs which will enable them to stop taking handouts from the government and the wealthy getting richer anyway because they just know how to make millions,  So everybody continues to enjoy the American dream  and everyone stays  happy.  

Now its time to get down to business of  working for the people  that re-elected President Obama to lead the USA  into 2016 as the most powerful nation  on  planet earth.  iatellingu.E

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Black NFL Jailbird Active Players in 2012

There is an alarming high dis appropriate number of black National Football League players in 2012 that are charged with misdemeanor or felony charges that is simply amazing.  Not only are these high profile black males given the red carpet to wealth and a lifetime of financial stability if  they invest their money wisely, but they are role model for younger black males growing up in poverty  as well.  However, instead of using their high visibility towards bettering their own life and that of their immediate family, these athletics blow all their money on lawyer fees for crimes that range from the mere minor to the most major crimes.  Income tax problems that any one of us can get ourselves into, so I will add this offense to a universal category. The major ones include, dog and rooster fighting,  DUI, domestic violence, rape, drugs, alcohol, numerous illegitimate children which they refuse to provide financial  support for.  Not even a trust fund with the minimum amount.  At birth a generous amount of $10.000 to 20.000 dollars would swell into a college education for his illegitimate child at high school graduation, to a college of his or her choice.

If you take a look at an article written by Fox Sports updated on July 21, 2012,  saying NFL players who have been arrested in 2012, you will see a total of 34 players whom are all black, or other races  and only 1 white athletic in the 34.  It is not a racially insensitive statement to say that the black athletics are not a target . These black athletics are picking on themselves when they continue to break the rules.  I would not be surprised to learn that most did not even finished college with a degree.  They just ran out their eligibility.  After all,  5 years is the limit as to how long you can play college ball anyway.  Those players and many other are just overpaid athletics who live and play hard and have no clue,  how their representation off the field affect so many others,  in a negative way.  Apparently these athletics  don't care  because the numbers keep going up  with more arrests, etc.

The National Football League as of 2009 was 50% white. According to wiki,  70%  is black  and 30% is white as of 2012.  At the rate  the stats on crime and the black athletic is going right now, the numbers are getting worse and  America's past time is slowly moving towards another sport with less violence on the field and off the field, with their athletics.  Just last year 2011, certain players  had a bounty on their heads. Destroy their bones by any means necessary. 

Finally, I am putting most of the blame on the owners who can change things. They can  began recruiting players on a 50-50 basis including  Black, white and all others who are super jocks in college.

Try drafting players who are college graduates. These guys have more intelligence than the ones without a college degree, because they are mentally prepared in analysing decisions more often on a short and long term basis, because they  are finishers and study harder. Of course there are always some exceptions......   These NFL players agents, lawyers and  etc come out with millions at the end of these players career.  The average NFL player at the end of his career...BROKE.  iamtellingu.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

IT DON'T WORK LIKE THAT... says moderator Candy Crawley

Tonight's second Presidential debate sounded to me like a pack of lies and desperation by Mitt Romney.  Governor Romney still did not tonight as in previous explanations  say HOW he is going to balance  anything, as regards to being the next President of the United States.  He skirted around the issue tonight and will continue to avoid answering how he will run the government.  Because the fact of it is let me tell you. He does not know yet.  He will do this.  Make sure all his financial contributors get all their money back.  Make the rich 
richer and the MIDDLE CLASS POORER and the POOR, well we just don't worry about those people because all they want is government handouts anyway.  Sounds familiar.

On women's health care Governor Romney wants to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood and let the politicians decide  women's health. future.  Plus he will cut funding for PBS. That includes shows like NOVA, Sesame Street, Great Performance and so many other programs I have not mentioned. 

Governor Romney says he needs 8 years to get his 5 step plan going. In 8 years under Mitt Romney the United States will  regress so far to the left  you will remain in a permanent  daze saying...What's happening..What's goin on. Where are all my friends..cause I need a loan.  Governor Romney is a candidate who can not deliver this country back to a healthy economy.  He is  saying the same things over and over again until now he is sounding like a  scratched  record.

His policy on immigration says he wants the system to be streamlined. He wants a green card stamped to their diplomas. He will not give drivers license to those who come here illegal.  And for those that come here illegal, he said the president can address that question right now.  Governor Romney did not say what he would do because  the public will not like it.  See I told you, he never answers the real important questions. He avoids them.  He does not have a model for the nation. Only a hypothesis.  Immigration is a Hot topic  and a comprehensive system must be in place. Governor Romney says he has a five step plan. President Obama says put more border agents  in the field. 

Romney wants to put 2 parents in the home as far as curbing street violence. I think we all agree with that.  But the reality today is 2 parent systems are strained.  So fix what we have now with single parent households by reinforcing a continuation of jobs.  That's what the people of the United States wants.  If the jobs are there, everything else will come. The economy will build back up because people will have more money. 

Who won the debate tonight? Some may say President Obama while others may say Governor Romney. One thing for  sure  is NO ONE can say, the issues were not clearly presented, for debate. with answers.  Only one man will come out the winner tonight.   The next president of the United States of America.  OBAMA RETURNS.........

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Vice President Joe Biden whips the kid Paul Ryan on a nationally televised television debate  Thursday night clearly.  The vice president came out in the first few rounds a little jittery and with a confident smiling face in the beginning of the debate.  However he soon gained his composure as time flew by.  What continues to amaze me is that congressman Paul Ryan  never ever answers questions on HOW his administration is going to solve any problem.  All he ever says is that he and Romney have a plan.  WHAT PLAN???????????????

Ryan even mentioned a bipartisanship plan for the Obama care, lowering taxes, and even some goofy math in the unemployment  rise.  The only clear picture I came away with on this debate is congressman Ryan along with Governor Romney don't have a clue as to how they will run the country if the Republicans win this election. 

iamtellingu .

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Obama vs Rommney Debate Round 1

The debate that was nationally televised last night  Oct. 3  was  melancholy.  I thought the president was taking a set back approach to this debate instead of a more  aggressive stance.  Not to say the same about Mitt Romney who came out like a pit bull.  Certainly he had more to prove because of his lackluster political record with the state of Massachusetts when he was governor.  The president now knows what to expect in round 2 and 3 from his opponent and likewise.  Mitt Romney now should feel more confident at his great performance in Denver Colorado last night.  Perhaps he is feeling like Rocky Balboa right about now. 

But not so fast.  There are 2 more rounds to go and the President is bound to draw a tie on the next big debate.  This debate is like a mini series of the NBA finals.  2 out of 3 wins.  Or at least both opponents can draw a tie.  That remains to be seen.  After  all  President Obama was celebrating his wedding anniversary in a very public way with millions of people instead of a private setting with his wife Michelle last night.  Also the fighting in Syria has to be un-nerving right now with such an un settling government, then there is Afghanistan  and  their  fragile government.  Then on the domestic home front Mr. President is dealing with, not to mention the economy, rising gas prices, being a father and a husband and so much top secret intelligence that would make your hair stand straight up on your head, not to mention so many other on-going developments that are constantly changing on a blink of an eye.  So Mr. President you are forgiven for a conservative rebuttal during the debate Wednesday night in Denver. He was prepared for Mitt Romney but not in the way most people were expecting.  President Obama has proven he is a global leader in a Super power country America.  His track record proves it.  Mr. Mitt Romney on the other hand has skirted around ever major issue when it comes to his finances and business attachments on every chance he gets.  He just does not answer the questions and just reverses himself out of giving a straight answer that might discredit him.

Surely the debates are a defining moment for both candidates.  However it is not the final  moment. A leopard never changes his stripes. What you see is what you get. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it is a duck Mr. Romney.  If it looks like an eagle and fly's like an eagle, then an eagle it is Mr. President Obama.  Round 2 is surely going to entertain us and if I were you, I would bet that President Barack Obama will make a comeback.  iamtellingu.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


I thought I had heard it all in this ravid 2012 Presidential race between incumbent President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney.  So when Ann Coulter said  during "This Week"  on immigration reform in, a round table discussion, who is a conservative commentator, the Democrats are dropping the Blacks and moving on to the Hispanics in immigration reform and this issue should not be a civil rights issue, I knew right then and there that I should not take nothing for granted, in a country as great as America, when it comes to people saying anything out of their mouths, anytime and anywhere.   

Ann Coulter has taken the cake to a new level with that statement.  She is referring to both candidates vying  for this critical  votes  using Uni vision as the communication tool.   Here is what snapped off  Mrs. Coulter to jump in with this untimely statement.   Uni vision anchor Jorge Ramos said that if Republicans don't do something with immigration '..they will not only lose this election  but the White House for a generation.  That's when Ann Coulter came in with  her statement. 

The new book "Mugged"  Racial Demagoguery from the seventies to Obama feels that groups from the left such as feminists to gay right groups to those defending immigrants have commandeered  the black civil right experience.  She says the liberals have treated blacks like children and many of their policies have been harmful to blacks.  She went on to talk about Jim Crow laws and how we owe  Blacks. But immigrants haven't been in this country that long.  I wonder where she's been. America was built on immigration.  Everybody came over here legal and illegal in the beginning.  Boat loads of immigrants came to  America from Europe  and boat loads of African were snatched from their continents to come to America as well.  So when Ann Coulter  makes all these assumptions I think its like pulling straws out of a box.  You will pick something just not sure which one.

One thing for sure  and 2 things I know is if the Republicans  don't win this 2012  election on November 6. they must go back to the drawing board and re group with a brand new script . 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Tampa- The Republicans and Clint Eastwood

If you saw the final night of the Republican Convention 2012 in Tampa Florida on Thursday August 30, you saw a interesting moment when Dirty Harry actor Clint Eastwood  briefly took the spotlight and  talked about politics and the 23 million Americans un-employed.  He  used an imaginary character in a chair next to him on the speakers podium.  His speech had more punch in it than Republican nominee Mitt Romney.  He received more laughs and applaud for a evening  that was supposed to explode with a burst of high hopes and a KO speech for Mitt Romney and  instead the keynote address ended with as deflated balloon loosing air swiftly with each word.  Former Secretary of State Conde  Rice had more flair in her speech and eloquence too.

I got to give it to the RNC as far as stage presence and their delegates in showing up, despite the threat of Hurricane Issac, that never amounted to anything but a windy breeze.  Unless there is something else  the Republicans will muster up before super Tuesday in Nov. 2012, I'm  just wondering what significant platform can this party use to beat President Obama.  Talk Talk Talk is cheap.  I want them to back their words up with a  better track record on health care, the high jobless rate,  senior care and medicare, foreign affairs, homeland security and so many more issues to mention.   Neither Romney nor Ryan has records to brag about in those area just mentioned. Why doesn't Mitt Romney let Americans look through his income taxes past 2010.  Open up and show people he is not hiding something.

Next are the Democrat National Convention in Charlotte North Carolina.  Let's see  what their platform is about........................... Iamtellingu.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Guess who's coming to Tampa.  The Republican National Convention.  With the fan fair of A hotly contested race coming up  for vote in November 2012 for President of the United States, all eyes are on Tampa Florida for now.  The heat is on and its not just the weather.  Look at all the major players in town.

We've got  the Republican delegates, the police department from all over central Fla. and beyond, the Secret Service, the FBI, the Florida Highway Patrol, Tampa Police Dept, the Vice President of the United States is also on the way to Tampa.   Not to mention all the rowdy demonstrators on their way to the Sunshine State.  Oh yes.  Not to forget the Hurricane,  forcasted as a hit or near miss.  Depending on which way the WIND  blows.

There's not going to be a dull moment in Tampa this upcoming week.  Everybody near downtown are locked out of easy travel  near the convention until it ends.  No problem there. It goes with the territory.   I applaud the Republicans for choosing Tampa Florida as their convention city and I want everything to go well for everyone.  

No matter what party you are affiliated with,  Tampa Florida  is the place to be in, during the week of the convention.  The Vice presidential canidate Ryan, has rumors surrounding him with a black girlfriend in his past  and Romney won't release his tax returns.  Hold on to your seats everyone.  It is going to be a rough ride until  super Tuesday Novembe  6, 2012.  I wonder what new shock report will come out next.  The roller coaster ride has only just begun.  I am just tellingu.

Friday, July 6, 2012

CHRIS ROCK 4th of JULY 2012 WP Day Tweet

Chris Rock is never at a lost for words.  Even if its not the right words, he will say just about anything to keep his name out in the world.  Even say things that are hurtful and offensive to other human beings.  Here is a man that is a funny comedian but thoughtless. 

According to the Inquisitr, Chris Rock tweeted on his Twitter account on July 4,  Happy white peoples independence day, the slaves weren't free but I'm sure they enjoyed the fireworks.

I am very embarrassed by that so called joke because it is just another flame on an already simmering flame that never extinguished.  The race card in America will forever burn low or high, depending on the timing.  Now either Chris Rock is  angry about someone or something and is taking out his grudges on  a race of people that  inherited  privileged either by hard work,  luck or a gift.  Either way there is nothing Chris Rock or anyone by that matter can do anything about. 

Chris Rock is ghetto fabulous-ly  $$$ (rich) and does not even appreciate it.  He is always mouthing off about  subjects that only get him into controversy instead of respect.  Chris if you are short on material, why don't you  hire  some more  writers.  Use some of your money those white folks spent on your albums and shows, to give you too, a privileged life you are living in today. 

Until the next post.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


In an narrow victory of the Healthcare initiative, the Supreme Court passes President Barak Obama mandate that says all Americans must have health insurance.  Insurance carriers can no longer discriminate against people because they are high risk and or have pre-existing  health isssues.  This was a long time coming and, on time,  as millions of Americans will now be included into a better quality of life instead of being excluded from affordable health plans.

Now the United States can truly say we are the leader in the free world and remain in direct alignment with our allies whom already have universal health care for its citizens.  Like Canada and England .  Now Americans won't have to travel so far now to get life saving surgery, they could never have afforded, here,  in America the Beautiful. 

Once again,  the leader of the free world,  President Barak Obama delivers a stunning K O(knockout).   This healthplan law will take effect in 2014.  Congratulations are also extended to  the US Congress and Senate whose members approved the package to get on the floor for a vote by each house, in the first.  These men and women represented their states respectively and the voters,  whom put them in office in the first place, to oversee the best interest for their citizens.

May God continue to bless America.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Good Bye Rodney King

Tragic news again came today on the Rodney King saga.  He was found drowned in his home swimming pool in California. If you remember back in March 3, 1991, he was pulled over by the LAPD police dept. for drunken driving. He had been recently released from jail and was on parole. Of course he was riding in a white car.  This one was a Hyundai. 

Rodney King with his high profile beating at the hands of 4 white police officers was pushed into the worldwide spotlight  and his name has always stayed in the conscious minds of the world, even 21 years 3 months and 15 days to this date. Today is June 18, 2012.

He stood for so many things. Hopelessness,  another unemployed minority, a criminal background, driving while black and the list can go on and on.  All he wanted for everybody he once said  was to, " Can't we all just get along."  There is much you can say about this man that  comes along with  conversation  pro and con.  I'm sure there is as many people on both sides of the seesaw.   One thing you can say is anyone who saw that brutal beating he took on March 3, 1991, the video will forever stay embedded in the minds of everyone who saw it, forever.  

Rodney King has gone on into infamy along with others before him in the civil rights movement. Not on purpose but accidently because he was in the right place at the wrong time.  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Muhammad Ali Turns 70 years old.

The Greatest Muhammad Ali turned 70 years 0ld in January 2012 of this year. If anyone can remember the greatest dancing like a bumble bee and swinging just as fast, you saw a fight you will never forget. He was boastful and very outspoken too. He was colorful and spoke with intellectual gust. Yes he never had a lost of words and high drama always followed him as well. Just turn back the hands of time and reach back in the past. Read read all about Ali. Don't take my word for it.

Good luck champ. You are truly the greatest. Happy Birthday!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Trayvon Martin - Poster Child for Florida's What Stand Your Ground Law Does Not Stand For.

Here is another young child whose life was sniffed out wrongly. I can name children across the world who have been murdered. However the latest child that has America in such an uproar is Trayvon Martin. A 17 year old child out of Miami Fla. who was visiting his father's fiancee house over the weekend of Febuary 26, 2012 and ended up shot to death.

Now nobody truly knows the exact facts leading up to this death except 2 people. Trayvon Martin and the neighborhood security guard George Zimmerman. Those facts we think we know unless there is another eyewitness that has not come forward yet. Martin can't talk and Zimmerman won't talk. So the Sanford Fla. police department must come up with the answers. Results-- pending.

Meanwhile many parents in America that have male children are heatbroken for the parents in this tragedy. This child, as it appears was only trying to get back home from a assumed neighborhood store, after a purchase of food items. By the way, does the store where Trayvon bought the candy and drink have film of him being there? Mr. Zimmerman felt he had to take the law in his own hands for the 48th plus time in less than 18 months of consistently calling the police department, about suspicious persons walking around the neighborhood. He was not professionally qualified, as an, armed security guard, to do that job, in the first place. He could not qualify for a real cop, because of a personality profile test failure that are given to all police want to be's.

Now since this is a media frenzy, Sanford Fla. will have to prove they are a city that welcomes all races of people and fairly treats all with equality. This is an on-going investigation that must come to a speedy conclusion soon. Otherwise this city must be prepared for more escalation and total confusion mounting on the streets. The police chief as of this writing has temporily stepped down. I want this problem to go away, not with a cover up, but out from under cover.

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's A New Day!!!!

Hey Everyone I got something to tell ya. I am one of the next biggest people to procrastinate around. Its like I start out in a circle but only make it around three quarters. Always talking about what I am going to do and I go on and on about much ado about everything the air brings to me and guess what. At the end of the day, its the same old story. Nothing gets done. You know. Same old story ending. Year after Year.

There are thousands of me.

So I am not going to make any excuses anymore. I am just going to write and I know you will enjoy reading what I write down in print. You see. I am one of those gifted writers who keep falling in the invisible holes in the floor boards. And that action word named motivation keeps eluding me just at the right time. Consistently Always.

So stay tuned and see what I do......... This is my first print for the new year 2012. Stay tuned.

Oh and by the way. Happy Belated New Year.