From Teeth and Tongue

Just keep reading on. This is fresh current news that gets more interesting with each article. The writer Beverly Griffin Shippy is an on the edge writer who has been censored for far to long. So the writers flame in me burns constantly. Various newspapers I wrote for in the past have selectively decided not to print my articles for reasons un -becoming to me.

I'm not going to cry foul play. I'm going to solve that problem by continuing to write.

Just read on!!!!!

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Two Wild And Crazy Guys Goes To Jail in Steubenville Ohio

Just when you thought justice would once again raise a blind eye to rape charges, in a court room with a high profile media following,  the verdict came in  as GUILTY of all charges with additional charges to follow.

The buckeye state sent a strict warning  to  youth everywhere in the state. Warning them that the law will prevail no matter what the circumstances are.  It doesn't matter that the female involved was a 16 year old  child herself  with    alcohol  problems.  It didn't matter that her girlfriends tried to get her to stop drinking at the party, because she could not handle her liquor.  It didn't matter that this 16 year old has a history of drinking so much that she passes out as a result of her mis-behavior.  Oh no that was not the deciding factor in Trent Mays and Ma'Lik Richmond verdict by Judge Thomas Lipps.  It was a  series of events that led up to a guilty conviction.  

These two boys had time to make a quick  decision  not to participate in  this
and walk away.  Either one of the two could have found an adult  at the party
and asked them to call her parents, or her so called girl friends that were with her that night could have took over and made sure she got home safely.

There are so many fingers to point the blame on, but ultimately, the blame will
forever go to Trent Mays and MaLik Richmond.  They were the one and only
people to make the final decision on their futures and each blew that chance.

They can forget playing college sports at a top NCAA school because as convicted  sex offenders,  no reputable college admission department will
want either student on campus.  They can forget that 4 year athletic scholarship too because it will never happen.  They can forget the care free lifestyle most  young  schooled teens get including athletics too. Time ran out, You blew it.

Maybe 10 years from now when they have families of their own and girls are a part of the nest, it just might strike them that what comes  around goes around too and perhaps they can school their daughters on the GAME  at parties.


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