Once again Thanksgiving is upon us. Weather it’s your 1st celebration or your 100 plus, you are living in this moment today. Do you ever think about what today brings to you besides a belly full of food and drinks. I can inference a few reasons to be thankful for today. Let’s start with the obvious. How about family gatherings.
Today is the special occasion when everyone gathers to embrace each other with great conversations. The uncles and aunts, cousins, estranged in laws, the intact family units, children, grandchildren , great grandchildren, extended family members, family pets that are included in this festival occasion. People we haven’t seen all year until now will be there. Jovial people hungry to feel a sense of inclusion. Talking about old times. Changing places with their older parents and thru it all, now coming into their seasons.
The now and then season. Then at the end of the day. Who’s washing the dishes?