From Teeth and Tongue

Just keep reading on. This is fresh current news that gets more interesting with each article. The writer Beverly Griffin Shippy is an on the edge writer who has been censored for far to long. So the writers flame in me burns constantly. Various newspapers I wrote for in the past have selectively decided not to print my articles for reasons un -becoming to me.

I'm not going to cry foul play. I'm going to solve that problem by continuing to write.

Just read on!!!!!

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Sunday, February 2, 2025


 Just imagine a new United States President named Donald Trump’s mirror.   It’s  an imagination view currently different, contrasting, cynical, yet entertaining to most followers and unfollowers alike because of his unpredictability to use truthful information about everything. Fact finding is not this current administration priority. He and his administration are clouded in imagination.  To just recklessly make statements that are not true. Fabricate information about everything to draw the population away from real issues, he has successfully hoodwinked many while duping and distorting others. A brilliant move with the help of some bought out news outlets that keep fanning the fire.  We never know what he will come up  with next.  Imagination or Reality?

On the reality side of the sphere we have Doctor Martin Luther King who lived in Reality, operated day to day in truthful speeches, drew large crowds during his rallies and spoke to his followers in sincere tones and exertion. Not leaving one stone unturned. Exposing everyone who did not agree with fairness in making decisions affecting millions of people. Dr Martin Luther King is the twelfth American recipient of the prestigious Noble Peace Prize for his non- violent struggles for civil rights . This moment in time is a Reality check for what true heroes character beholds. Dr Martin Luther King shared his birthday this year January 20, 2025 with an imagination. 

Mr. Donald Trump is a convicted felon and the current 47 th President of the United States of America. A reality check for us all that appears only 1 man can walk this earth unhinged and literally get away with everything or so it appears. An imagination or in general terms Aphantasia.  The rest of this story is yet to be concluded. As old fable writes it Let’s just wait and see how this continues to develop with the 47 th President going unopposed in decision making or get opposition from true patriots. 

The way I see it is if Donald Trump wants to be a Dictator, then let’s do away with the United States of America legislative branch which includes all elective branches of local and national elections of government branches.  There will be no Governors, Senators, Mayors . School Boards. Let’s look at the great big picture. 

Let the Elon Musk’s who by the way is from South Africa and a profitable heir to apartheid run the mice or men/ women . America.

I am Telling U.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

A Thanksgiving Day Purpose in November 2024

 Once again Thanksgiving is upon us. Weather it’s your 1st celebration or your 100 plus, you are living in this moment today.  Do you ever think about what today brings to you besides a belly full of food and drinks. I can inference a few reasons to be thankful for today.  Let’s start with the obvious. How about family gatherings. 

Today is the special occasion when everyone gathers to embrace each other with great conversations. The uncles and aunts, cousins, estranged in laws, the intact family units, children, grandchildren , great grandchildren, extended family members, family pets that are included in this festival occasion. People we  haven’t seen all year until now will be there. Jovial people hungry to feel a sense of inclusion. Talking about old times. Changing places with their  older parents and thru it all,  now coming into their seasons.

The now and then season.  Then at the end of the day. Who’s washing the dishes?   

Sunday, November 10, 2024

                  Donald Trump Wins President of the United States Again As The 47th  

How do you make American great again if she has never been great from it’s beginning.  This part of the country was already occupied by the Native American well ahead of Christopher Columbus discovery.

So Trump wants to make America great again ? Is this a trick question.  What greatness ?

The immigrants of America built American infrastructure for FREE.  Those are the one’s that built America strong.

The Free Labor movement  that worked day and night for pennies. The immigrants made America Greater. 

Of course there are those who would beg to differ otherwise.  The Commonwealth state of Pennsylvania has single handily kept America great by preserving the United States constitution. Half of America is still processing this election results and the other half are jubilant about this win.  Americans are split 50/50 about the final tally. The same argument I previously expressed to you. 

No America will never be great until she loosens her death grip on it’s citizen. That includes, unfair wages, rent control, mortgage control,  more money for public education , sexism, tax breaks for the middle class and working class families. The list of grievances are infinite.  However the big fix is simple. 

Treat your citizens the same way you want to be treated, if you dare. It looks like a mule and donkey show for the next 4 years. Trump/Vance.  Meanwhile American citizens are caught in the middle. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

What if Donald Trump wins presidency of the United States in November 2024

 If Donald Trump can be a felon and become the President of the United States of America then we absolutely and without a doubt should make sure Felony’s should be removed from all Professional Certification  applications ( Realtor’s, Barbers, Beauticians, Lawyer’s, Doctors, Dentist, Banker’s, Teachers, Massage Therapist’s etc)  all Job Applications, Rental Applications, because the highest position in this country should be the most sacred.  The current men and women who hold these prestigious positions elected and or appointed are currently law abiding citizens who have followed the rules and kept clean. 

The United States presidency is the ultimate service you can fulfill as a US citizen. Felony convictions are excluded from holding city, state, county, school board elections and Federal Election’s along with any other branch of local government elections.  So if he is allowed to remain on the November 2024 election ballot and wins —- the highest elected office in this country is the highest prize you can serve and is an example for all average American citizens to admire. However a win for Donald Trump would destroy the DOJ Department of Justice charter . They would have to go back to the drawing board to re-write everything including down sizing felonies to nothing to be overly concerned about. 

Is Donald Trump worth all that?  He will single handily destroy the judicial process. Judges would loose their jobs because you won’t need  as many anymore because a felony and certain misdemeanor charges will be down graded to frivolous and not anything to be too concerned about. The Republican Party has been hijacked by a psychopath and people like him. The real Republicans have been stepped on and threatened by a convicted felon who has everything to loose and will mow down anybody who stands in his way. He doesn’t care about the traditional Republican Party, because he has managed to infiltrate this vulnerable party way before he became a Republican. In the beginning Donald Trump was a Democrat. But as a seasoned con man he sold his hate messages and race bait messages to a party that looked more like him because that’s who he is. A divider and conquer message is how you win over people that doesn’t respect diversity. 

This is not a political post. This is about having equal justice for all. Including  holding Donald Trump to high standard’s which he has never respected and isn’t about to start now at his age because he has beat the system forever. All his soldiers are and have served jail time and he continues to come out smelling like a rose. 

The Republican Party must find another strong candidate during their Republican convention in July 2024 which is apparently too late now or  just forget about winning this President election in 2024 and wait for 2028. Then the Democrat party will be vacated too. At that time the race is wide open. . May the best man or woman win.

I’m just saying…

Sunday, March 31, 2024

 Fake News

Don’t believe everything you see in print ever again, Check and recheck with various news agencies. Have you noticed that everything is suspect in these times to alterations.  Starting with pictures to add in and add on’s when it comes to reporting actual fact’s.  Some news agencies just mislead the public by omission of key facts either by accident or on purpose to protect the person or agency being reported on. It’s called a soft report. The news agency report’s the news but gives the article a soft touch in words or let’s say a gentle touch in words to protect this person or agency from critical slamming. They report on the incident gently. 

This type of reporting was brought to the forefront about 8 years ago publicly and has never been so real until lately. Fake hands, legs, bodies, even complete heads put on different bodies are showing up in publications everywhere,  You almost don’t know who to trust as a reliable news agency anymore. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Democrats vs Republican’s

 This year 2024 Americans will elect a President for all citizens. One that will represent the people of every nationality supposedly. The incumbent Joe Biden Democrat and the opponent, former president Donald Trump.  Whoever wins still won’t  make a significant difference in the average person’s lifestyle, at least not right away. 

I can give you one hundred and one reasons why this election is very significant however I will not at this time.  My only request to everyone is to cast your vote in November 2024. Too much Blood, Sweat and Tears have been spilled on the cement across this great nation for you to just shrug throwing  caution to the wind.

Use the same motivation you possess when buying your vices. Cigars, cigarette’s , alcoholic beverages etc. Get out the vote, And when you go to the polls in person, take 2 friends with you. 

You are not just voting in the present tense. You are voting in the future tense  too. This vote is about the change of a democracy as it stands now.  Pennsylvania is the big prize this time around because one candidate wants to change the constitution. He wants to turn back the hands of time and reverse everything this nation stands for, He want’s to stay in that office forever..A man who has a track record of destruction on most things he touches,  And recently the Republicans have lost control of their vast piggy bank to cover the bank  roll of their candidate Donald Trump as protection money for all the civil lawsuits pinned on to him. Pretty cleaver persuasive hypnosis.  I don’t see the Republican Party to survive after this whale depicts their bank accounts. And the sad thing about this situation the loser or winner takes all, win lose or draw.  To be continued. . 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Have you noticed recently when it comes to the music industry every top selling recording artist is being accused of being a part of Illuminati.  New One World Order Society.  Well that might be true in one part and highly exaggerated too in another. I
think that most music entertainers became super stars by hard to the grit persistence,  burning the midnight oil nightly. Studying music styles, studying  various artist styles, doing gigs here there and everywhere, someone would listen. Not using witch craft.

Anyone can sell their soul to the devil for a price, maybe?  How bad do you want it? How far will you go to get it?  So many people are identifying the Illuminati artist with hand signs used in their music video's.  Just like the gangster rappers used gang signs notoriously in Big ways to communicate to each other as a marking to identify what region they were from etc.  So do the Illuminati Artist. They will showcase their hand signs and backgrounds with emblems that The Illuminati Secret Society make known to the public.  Most of the hardware and software will never be seen by anyone  but the true members of Illuminati. That are few and true in numbers.  These artist just have a gimmick to keep themselves out Front.  They are entertainers too and MUST SELL RECORDS to stay on top.  It's a fade now to be in the Illuminati period.  You don't pick them. They pick you.    And frankly music has been altering minds for 100 plus years anyway.. Each decade of artist getting more personal with their lyrics with world issues  happening  within the world to sing  about

At least you can make a personal choice to listen to them or not listen to their music. You can decide to band them from your household and your children and tweens.  Ask your loved ones why they listen to this kind of music. The satanic artist usually get your attention by delivering a hook beat and you are so into the rhythm and don't engage the words.  Your nephews, nieces, friends children, YOU, are all at  risk of falling into the sea of fire.