Just imagine a new United States President named Donald Trump’s mirror. It’s an imagination view currently different, contrasting, cynical, yet entertaining to most followers and unfollowers alike because of his unpredictability to use truthful information about everything. Fact finding is not this current administration priority. He and his administration are clouded in imagination. To just recklessly make statements that are not true. Fabricate information about everything to draw the population away from real issues, he has successfully hoodwinked many while duping and distorting others. A brilliant move with the help of some bought out news outlets that keep fanning the fire. We never know what he will come up with next. Imagination or Reality?
On the reality side of the sphere we have Doctor Martin Luther King who lived in Reality, operated day to day in truthful speeches, drew large crowds during his rallies and spoke to his followers in sincere tones and exertion. Not leaving one stone unturned. Exposing everyone who did not agree with fairness in making decisions affecting millions of people. Dr Martin Luther King is the twelfth American recipient of the prestigious Noble Peace Prize for his non- violent struggles for civil rights . This moment in time is a Reality check for what true heroes character beholds. Dr Martin Luther King shared his birthday this year January 20, 2025 with an imagination.
Mr. Donald Trump is a convicted felon and the current 47 th President of the United States of America. A reality check for us all that appears only 1 man can walk this earth unhinged and literally get away with everything or so it appears. An imagination or in general terms Aphantasia. The rest of this story is yet to be concluded. As old fable writes it Let’s just wait and see how this continues to develop with the 47 th President going unopposed in decision making or get opposition from true patriots.
The way I see it is if Donald Trump wants to be a Dictator, then let’s do away with the United States of America legislative branch which includes all elective branches of local and national elections of government branches. There will be no Governors, Senators, Mayors . School Boards. Let’s look at the great big picture.
Let the Elon Musk’s who by the way is from South Africa and a profitable heir to apartheid run the mice or men/ women . America.
I am Telling U.
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