From Teeth and Tongue

Just keep reading on. This is fresh current news that gets more interesting with each article. The writer Beverly Griffin Shippy is an on the edge writer who has been censored for far to long. So the writers flame in me burns constantly. Various newspapers I wrote for in the past have selectively decided not to print my articles for reasons un -becoming to me.

I'm not going to cry foul play. I'm going to solve that problem by continuing to write.

Just read on!!!!!

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Sunday, April 28, 2013


Have you noticed recently in the news that more and more sea mammals are beaching themselves in oceans all around the world.  Yahoo news,  recently carried a article on,  Bottleneck Whales beaching themselves.  Do you ever think about  why these mammals  are  suicidal ?  Why would a deep sea creature suddenly JUMP out of his environment and kill themselves.  Well I will tell you why.  Underwater earthquakes would be more logical .  More likely because, why else would a species suddenly leave home.  

The earthquake theory sounds more logical  too, since the earth's crust  already is on shaky ground anyway .  However, I don't believe that is the answer.  The true answer lies with underground  nuclear  testing.  The after shock  and noise is driving  these sea mammals wild out of their heads.  They are just jumping out of the water to get relief.  The nuclear submarines  are in the deepest part of the ocean too.  The same deep valleys these sea mammals live in.  Sonor wave lenghts  are not very detrimental to a human ear, however to a fish or mammal  it is quite annoying,  Its like a constant ringing in their ears .  They are beaching themselves to get away from the noise. 

My suggestion is to test your nuclear practicing in the deepest lakes of the world,  to drive out all the snakes and crocodile's.  They are more of a menace to society than  whales, dolphins, sharks and giant squids.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Two Wild And Crazy Guys Goes To Jail in Steubenville Ohio

Just when you thought justice would once again raise a blind eye to rape charges, in a court room with a high profile media following,  the verdict came in  as GUILTY of all charges with additional charges to follow.

The buckeye state sent a strict warning  to  youth everywhere in the state. Warning them that the law will prevail no matter what the circumstances are.  It doesn't matter that the female involved was a 16 year old  child herself  with    alcohol  problems.  It didn't matter that her girlfriends tried to get her to stop drinking at the party, because she could not handle her liquor.  It didn't matter that this 16 year old has a history of drinking so much that she passes out as a result of her mis-behavior.  Oh no that was not the deciding factor in Trent Mays and Ma'Lik Richmond verdict by Judge Thomas Lipps.  It was a  series of events that led up to a guilty conviction.  

These two boys had time to make a quick  decision  not to participate in  this
and walk away.  Either one of the two could have found an adult  at the party
and asked them to call her parents, or her so called girl friends that were with her that night could have took over and made sure she got home safely.

There are so many fingers to point the blame on, but ultimately, the blame will
forever go to Trent Mays and MaLik Richmond.  They were the one and only
people to make the final decision on their futures and each blew that chance.

They can forget playing college sports at a top NCAA school because as convicted  sex offenders,  no reputable college admission department will
want either student on campus.  They can forget that 4 year athletic scholarship too because it will never happen.  They can forget the care free lifestyle most  young  schooled teens get including athletics too. Time ran out, You blew it.

Maybe 10 years from now when they have families of their own and girls are a part of the nest, it just might strike them that what comes  around goes around too and perhaps they can school their daughters on the GAME  at parties.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sign of the Times

Ever wonder why there is so much bad news in the world lately???  It looks like everywhere you look now, bad things are happening everywhere. But if you look more closely, you will see it is the complete opposite.  Actually there is more good news than bad news.  The news media must print all the bad news first to get readers to look and buy.  Then once they got your interest, the bad and good news is usually mixed in together.  You just have  to find  the good articles.  Don't get dismayed by all the bad press you read first.  Find the good news first and read all about it  first, then go to the bad news second.  That helps you stay healthy mentally and not over react to all the negative vibes circulating in the real world today. 

Good is all around you all the time if you just LOOK  for it.  Take  for instance the  economy.  My bet is this year things will get better, compared to last year, if you just look  around, for the good things, instead of the bad things. Like down sizing on bad habits that cost you  extra money that you could use someplace else.  Do you smoke cigarette's, cigars, gamble, buy too many clothes, shoes you don't need.  If you eliminate just one of those bad habits, YOUR economy will get better even if everyone else you know does not. 

NO, for sure, the economy is not where it should be and you can't wait on it to get there either. Create your own fiscal cliff and climb up the ladder to where you want your household assets  to reach. Don't wait on  the government to get you there.  It takes to long .  Start today, its not too late.  Now that's the sign of the times.


Sunday, December 23, 2012


The National Rifle Association executive VP  Wayne  LaPierre  wants every school in America to have armed guards in all schools in response to the tragic shooting at  Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Conn.  LaPierre says our children should be protected with guns. He says the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.  However, when you ask LaPierre if he would support a bill to take the 30 round plus guns  from being purchased by everyday Joe's he eludes the question and does not answer. 

I wonder  what kind of a country does he think America is...  This is not the wild wild west or Gun Smoke.  We live in a civilized country and one that all nations model  at some point or another.  How intimidating to take your young child to school  greeted by a  armed security guard.  It sets up a day of stress for young learners.  Elementary kids  will stress over this presence of gun toting people on their campus.  Not to mention administrators feeling nervous. 

The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary was a remote incident  that happened because of reasons  no one will ever know.   Today and every day for the rest of your  life  just support the families of those children and teachers that lost lives.  They need you now.  Write letters to them and ask them what you can do to ease their pain.    Send them words of encouragement.   iamtellingu.   

Sunday, December 16, 2012


I write this blog today with unanswered questions perplexing me seeking answers  into the recent mass shooting on Friday December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hooks Elementary in Newtown Conn. Those children did not hurt anyone. They were helpless victims who could not posses fear of this magnitude happening to them ever.  Once again evil rises its unrelenting head to hurt kill mane and destroy.  Using cowards to complete the task.  A coward  who lacks integrity, who has low self esteem, hates themselves, are extremely jealous, who lack people skills, have mental problems either known or unknown, are overwhelming males, have pre warning signs about  their im-balances but  are over looked by family members as an accepted behavior that will  eventually go away, a parent  who is afraid of their own child because they did not take the necessary  discipline procedures during early adolescent  to stop this behavior  at onset. Parents or a parent who is held hostage by their own children because the adult lacks integrity to stand up and parent a child who is behaving badly. 

It's like if you don't  put out the flame it will develop into a fire.  There is not one answer to address such a tragedy as this incident, only possible solutions to decrease tragedies as  mass killings from happening again, somewhere on earth.

Mental illness is a taboo. No one wants to talk about it.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


The President cruised on to victory  November 6, 2012 with a repeat  victory  for the highest  elected office in  America. He won again with Florida as the grand prize of all prizes. With surprise  wins in Ohio, Nevada, New Mexico Minnesota and Colorado. 

The people have spoken and want a repeater. More jobs, health care for all, lower taxes etc.  A change has come to America and the people have spoken.  Money can no longer buy a presidency. Romney outspent Obama 3 to one.  Still that was not good enough for Romney to convince enough people to elect him.  Romney was just out  of touch with the main streamers and out of luck. Everyone saw thru his deceit.   Four more years is ahead for Americans, so get ready for  A Change with the middle class holding strong, the poor being forced to seek training programs which will enable them to stop taking handouts from the government and the wealthy getting richer anyway because they just know how to make millions,  So everybody continues to enjoy the American dream  and everyone stays  happy.  

Now its time to get down to business of  working for the people  that re-elected President Obama to lead the USA  into 2016 as the most powerful nation  on  planet earth.  iatellingu.E

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Black NFL Jailbird Active Players in 2012

There is an alarming high dis appropriate number of black National Football League players in 2012 that are charged with misdemeanor or felony charges that is simply amazing.  Not only are these high profile black males given the red carpet to wealth and a lifetime of financial stability if  they invest their money wisely, but they are role model for younger black males growing up in poverty  as well.  However, instead of using their high visibility towards bettering their own life and that of their immediate family, these athletics blow all their money on lawyer fees for crimes that range from the mere minor to the most major crimes.  Income tax problems that any one of us can get ourselves into, so I will add this offense to a universal category. The major ones include, dog and rooster fighting,  DUI, domestic violence, rape, drugs, alcohol, numerous illegitimate children which they refuse to provide financial  support for.  Not even a trust fund with the minimum amount.  At birth a generous amount of $10.000 to 20.000 dollars would swell into a college education for his illegitimate child at high school graduation, to a college of his or her choice.

If you take a look at an article written by Fox Sports updated on July 21, 2012,  saying NFL players who have been arrested in 2012, you will see a total of 34 players whom are all black, or other races  and only 1 white athletic in the 34.  It is not a racially insensitive statement to say that the black athletics are not a target . These black athletics are picking on themselves when they continue to break the rules.  I would not be surprised to learn that most did not even finished college with a degree.  They just ran out their eligibility.  After all,  5 years is the limit as to how long you can play college ball anyway.  Those players and many other are just overpaid athletics who live and play hard and have no clue,  how their representation off the field affect so many others,  in a negative way.  Apparently these athletics  don't care  because the numbers keep going up  with more arrests, etc.

The National Football League as of 2009 was 50% white. According to wiki,  70%  is black  and 30% is white as of 2012.  At the rate  the stats on crime and the black athletic is going right now, the numbers are getting worse and  America's past time is slowly moving towards another sport with less violence on the field and off the field, with their athletics.  Just last year 2011, certain players  had a bounty on their heads. Destroy their bones by any means necessary. 

Finally, I am putting most of the blame on the owners who can change things. They can  began recruiting players on a 50-50 basis including  Black, white and all others who are super jocks in college.

Try drafting players who are college graduates. These guys have more intelligence than the ones without a college degree, because they are mentally prepared in analysing decisions more often on a short and long term basis, because they  are finishers and study harder. Of course there are always some exceptions......   These NFL players agents, lawyers and  etc come out with millions at the end of these players career.  The average NFL player at the end of his career...BROKE.  iamtellingu.